Our provider services department offers a variety of services and support to early care and education professionals. We offer assistance to individuals interested in becoming child care providers and provide training, resources , and technical assistance to existing early care and education professionals. Additionally, we administer the CACFP and STARS to Quality programs.
Butte 4-C’s contracts with the State of Montana to provide supervised visitation and in-home services to families who have had their children removed or are at risk of having their children removed. We receive a referral for services from the Child Protection Specialist at the Department of Family Services in the Butte office. We then contact the parents to set up an intake appointment and schedule visits based on the schedules of the parent, foster parent, child, and Family Development Specialist. There is no cost for these visits as they are covered by the contract.
We provide professional supervised visitation services for families dealing with child custody issues or court ordered visitation. Parents complete an intake appointment with the Connecting Families Coordinator to provide information about their family. Each parent has their own intake appointment. Supervised visits are set up to accommodate the parents, children, and the Connecting Families Coordinator. Intake appointments are approximately one hour with a $30 fee per parent. Supervised visits are generally one hour per week with a $37 fee per hour. Contact Butte 4-Cs for more information. (406) 723-4019.
We offer free parenting classes to anyone in our community. Each session runs for six weeks. Certificates of Completion are awarded to those who complete the course.
Duration of Class: This is a 6-week course
Who Should Attend: Parents/Caregivers of children
Next Class Scheduled: January 15th - February 19th
Every Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm
How to Register: Call Lynn at (406) 723-4019 or EMAIL.